Jungleline (samspel)


Spelet hålls av ARMA Finland. OBS! Du måste kunna rollspela och bete dig enligt din rollbeskrivning.

Server Info

Arma 3 server: Address: a3.armafinland.fi:2202 Password: kotka AfiSync can handle connecting here automatically. Teamspeak3: Address: ts3.armafinland.fi


Welcome to Tanoa! Paradise where the unemployment rate is 82% and day to day life is fueled by violence and drugs. No one really knows who’s running the show here, is it Nationalist or Reformist party? Drug cartels that have split into three separate groups? Or maybe someone is pulling the strings from the shadows? But you don’t care about these things, or maybe you do? Only one thing is sure, you are here to live your life to the fullest. You have a list of things you want to do before your inevitable death, and that is why you are here today.

Story and setting

Tanoa is a small South American island-state and a former British colony. Its capital is the city of Lijnhaven. The official language is still English and the national currency is the pound. After gaining independence through a peaceful revolution, the country was brought under Communist rule. During the Communist regime, much of the Commonwealth-era prosperity and wealth was lost due to failed planned-economy practices, resulting in a widespread hunger crisis, exponential growth in crime rates, and a general economic collapse. This outraged the people and eventually brought an end to the Communist government. During the collapse, the common people could only rely on the help of the Catholic Church to feed them. The country is still reliant on foreign food aid even today. Currently, Tanoa is ruled by a joint government of two major parties, the Nationalists (the Prime Minister’s party) and the Reformists (the El Presidente’s party). Generally, the Nationalists are more popular in the uneducated rural areas, while the Reformists have strong support in the major cities. So far, the ideologically divided cabinet of ministers has shown its ability to move Tanoa forward from the darkness of the Communist era. Currently, the government is in the final steps of forming a trade deal with the United States of America, possibly marking an end to the ever-persistent hunger crisis.

General information

Date: 26.02.2022 Time: 19:00 PM (EEST, UTC+2, Finland Time Zone) Event length: 4-5 h Total player count: 80 - 100 Server: Arma Finland Modpack / Repository: Custom Uprising repository Communities will be divided among the population while trying to maintain cohesion among the communities. (Example: Drug gang C will be filled with players from x community) The event setting will simulate a society during harsh times. Population is starving and the government is corrupted. There is light roleplaying involved: - During the event society will functinue as a normal society. - Government tries to negotiate a trade agreement while battling the drug problem. - Civilian population is focused on survival while also entertaining itself with events. - Not all roles require strict roleplay but some require more. (Government etc.) Language between players is English. Some events ingame require following the ingame time (at the start it is 15:00). All important information will be distributed using admin messages. During the event all players will have certain tasks that they must complete before the end of the event. Note: All unnecessary violence is forbidden. This is not a warzone event like last hardline


Local Police A poorly-equipped and funded police station operates within the city. Their main objective is to stop illegal drug trafficking and weapon sale. Since they are poorly funded and trained they may be unpredictable at times. B.O.P.E. A highly trained police force that operates separately from the local police force Health Care Independent Health care corporation that operates in the area. They provide medical and ambulance services for everyone but may cut some rules if you are willing to pay for it. Political Groups During the event, political groups will operate within the same government but are ideologically opposite from each other. Continuing controversies between the capitalist and reformist parties and clear corruption is threatening the government's credibility. Logistics Corporations There are two rivaling corporations within Liljenhaven. They mainly operate from different areas (Airfield or harbor). Their services are available for all who are willing to pay for them. Tourists American tourists have discovered the possibilities of a dream vacation in Liljenhaven. There are many different ways to spend a holiday on the island. From the services of the safari company to the lively nightlife of the city. Catholic Church Since the days of the conquistadors, the has been a catholic church in Liljenhaven. Even if the influence of the church has been weakened it still holds some influence within the city. At the moment there is one priest and two community workers at the church. U.S. Consulate To facilitate tourism, the U.S. State Department decided to establish a consulate on the island. The mission of the consulate staff is to support the Liljenhaven government while helping American tourists. Local Population Residents of the city are tired of following the actions of their incapacitated government. How will their situation change as the power struggle of the drug gangs turn into a war? Drug Gangs The large cartel of the past has fragmented into three smaller gangs whose leaders are struggling to control the drug trade. DEA The United States has sent DEA auxiliaries to support the Liljenhaven government. Their job is to help the government solve the drug problem.


  • 2022-02-26
    JKhot anmälde sig till Civilian 3 (CIV37)

  • 2022-02-26
    Spelet uppdaterades av Engström

  • 2022-02-26
    Åslund avanmälde sig från rollen Civilian 3 (CIV37)

  • 2022-02-26
    Joar anmälde sig till Tourist 13 (CIV34)

  • 2022-02-25
    Ahlström avanmälde sig från rollen Tourist 13 (CIV34)

  • 2022-02-16
    Ahlström lämnade reservlistan och anmälde sig till Tourist 13 (CIV34)

  • 2022-02-14
    .BG. avanmälde sig från rollen Tourist 13 (CIV34)

  • 2022-02-14
    .BG. anmälde sig till Tourist 13 (CIV34)

  • 2022-02-14
    Nilas avanmälde sig från rollen Tourist 13 (CIV34)

  • 2022-02-01
    Nilas anmälde sig till Tourist 13 (CIV34)

  • 2022-02-01
    pipen123 anmälde sig till Civilian 5 (CIV39)

  • 2022-02-01
    Spelet uppdaterades av SageNTitled

  • 2022-01-31
    Max bytte från Tourist 13 (CIV34) till Civilian 4 (CIV38)

  • 2022-01-31
    AAberg lämnade reservlistan och anmälde sig till Civilian 2 (CIV36)

  • 2022-01-31
    Johan Grön lämnade reservlistan och anmälde sig till Civilian 6 (CIV40)

  • 2022-01-31
    H. Siivonen anmälde sig till Civilian 13 (CIV47)

  • 2022-01-31
    AdequatelyFaulty anmälde sig till Civilian 1 (CIV35)

  • 2022-01-31
    Johan Grön skrev upp sig på reservlistan

  • 2022-01-31
    Åslund anmälde sig till Civilian 3 (CIV37)

  • 2022-01-31
    Max anmälde sig till Tourist 13 (CIV34)

  • 2022-01-31
    Harry Wisén lämnade reservlistan och anmälde sig till Tourist 11 (CIV32)

  • 2022-01-31
    SageNTitled lämnade reservlistan och anmälde sig till Tourist 12 (CIV33)

  • 2022-01-31
    Spelet uppdaterades av SageNTitled

  • 2022-01-31
    Spelet uppdaterades av SageNTitled

  • 2022-01-29
    Ahlström skrev upp sig på reservlistan

  • 2022-01-28
    Harry Wisén skrev upp sig på reservlistan

  • 2022-01-28
    AAberg skrev upp sig på reservlistan

  • 2022-01-28
    Spelet uppdaterades av SageNTitled

  • 2022-01-28
    SageNTitled skrev upp sig på reservlistan

  • 2022-01-28
    Spelet uppdaterades av SageNTitled

  • 2022-01-28
    Spelet uppdaterades av SageNTitled

  • 2022-01-28
    Spelet skapades av SageNTitled

