Detta är ett samspel som hålls av ARMA Finland. Vi spelar på deras server. OBS! Mods installeras m.h.a. AFISync. Rollista Join server: 17:45 Slotting: 17:55 Briefing: 18:10 Game start: 18:30 Duration: No hard time limit, but around 3h
The time has come for the Kingdom of Syldavia to go on the counteroffensive against the Republic of Borduria. A massive push of infantry and tanks is ongoing all along the front. At the village of Summa, a crucial point in the Bordurian defensive line, a Syldavian battalion will attempt a breakthrough.
Attack / defend scenario with wave respawn. Infantry, tanks and (for attackers) light air support. No indirect fire is available to either side. Intended playtime is around 3 hours. Maximum of 120 players in total.
Limited radio access.
Arma 3 Adress: Lösenord: kotka You can connect to the server through AFISync. TeamSpeak Adress:
Volume and View distance adjustments You can directly adjust audio volume and view distance (within mission parameter limits) with F1-F4 keys. Suppression and weapon sway AFI utilizes suppression and weapon sway mods. Shots landing near cause vision anomalies and increased weapon sway. Firing weapons rapidly also increases weapon sway. Markers We use Sweet Markers System. You cannot set markers during play. Ace3 A-Medical We use A-medical Safestart time Each mission has a timer during which units cannot be damaged or fire their weapons. Some special rules may be imposed in the briefing notes by the missinmaker to be in effect during this time. Admin Call You can contact admins using “call admin” -action in esc menu while in mission. JIP If the mission does not have respawn, then new JIP players cannot join the mission after safestart time + 5 minutes. Your slot is reserved for you if you disconnect during briefing or during game. Only you can return to your slot as long as mission is ongoing. Your avatar will remain in the game and may be harmed during the time you are disconnected. JIP in respawn missions is always possible, but precise behavior depends on the mission. Radios You are unable to pick up enemy radios. You can change radio channels easily from self interaction menu and from briefing notes. Friendly forces You can easily see your sides equipment ,vehicles and troop positions during the briefing from the briefing
Enemy equipment. Usage of enemy firearms and equipment is disallowed unless the mission maker specifies an exemption. An exception to this general rule is granted for medical equipment, hand grenades, other throwables and ammunition. Join-in-Progress (JIP) is possible until the end of safe start. If you JIP, always ask your fellow players for instructions on how to proceed in-game. Use of text chat and map markers are disallowed by technical limitation. Map markers are placed during the briefing phase, and deviation from planning must be acted on granularly at the player level by using communication devices available to you such as radios, flare signals, cell phones, messenger pigeons or local voice communication. Solo play. Don’t become separated from your squad or group intentionally. If you notice you’ve lost your friends, always try and find them and work as a team. Leaders should avoid sending single players to perform tasks unless they can be reasonably certain that the path is clear of the enemy. Administrative reasoning for rule 7: Solo gameplay doesn’t produce an engaging gameplay experience for the players ordered to do so because of their vulnerability. You should always assume that the minimum unit size is 2 players. Ghosting, stream sniping, out-of-game communication. It is unacceptable to do any of these.