Desert Forge


Desert Forge

De berömda stackars britterna kommer kastas in i en av de två AH-64D syftandes till CAS/ground support. Alpha 1-3 låses upp när de befintliga grupperna är fyllda till 90%. On the 17th of January, 1991, the US government launched Operation Desert Storm in order to wrestle back control of Kuwait, and drive the Iraqi forces under the Hussein-regime out of the country, and capture vital positions within Iraq. The main push of infantry forces began on the 24th of February. Situation 24th Feb, 1991. The initial advance for most coalition forces in the area have been successful, however the Iraqi have been putting up a stiff resistance within our sector and are defending their positions with ferocity. Enemy forces The Iraqi Army - The enemy consists of up to a company's strength of regular infantry, with attachées of armored platoons and mechanized infantry. The enemy utilizes Russian weaponry (AK-47, RPG, etc) and a mix of desert camouflages. Most regular infantry utilize different variants of transport trucks. Their armored assets consist of older BMP and BTR-models, alongside T-55 and T-72 tanks. The enemy lacks any airpower whatsoever, however might have AA- and mortar artillery capabilities. The enemy has taken up defensive positions to the north and north east through our sector, and are thus far holding their positions. Friendly forces Friendly forces are operating adjacent to our unit to the west and east by about 2-3km. Their objectives are to support our advance by denying the enemy freedom of movement to the west and east of our sector. They won't be affecting our operations through direct involvement. Attachments/Detachments Our platoon have two AH-64D Apache attack helicopters attached for 3 hours. Their capabilities are mainly anti-armor and anti-infantry warfare. Coordination with JTAC on ground-to-air net. They will be ready to operate once refueled and rearmed at Kinduf Airbase. Civil/Terrain Considerations There might be civilian populace present in populated areas, fire should be directed accordingly. No CAS within 200m of settled areas (see, villages/towns). The terrain is relatively flat in the central valley, with many fields and low-cut vegetation. The engagement distances are predicted to be medium-to-long out on the open fields. Mission Higher command's intent is to secure the valley in a northern direction, in order to alleviate pressure and attacks on Kinduf Airbase. Our platoon's objective is to capture the valley to the north, and clear out enemy forces up to MIKIS FOB. Execution Commander's intent Higher command's intent is to secure the valley in a northern direction, in order to alleviate pressure and attacks on Kinduf Airbase. A few vital points must be cleared, or captured and secured along the main road northwards. (Map of route of attack) ((kommer :) )) Center of Gravity: The main road to the north is critical to the mission. The road must be kept intact, and secure from enemy forces where they appear. If the road is obstructed during combat, combat engineers will be dispatched at a later date to clear the road. Critical vulnerability: The enemy may deploy armored assets against our platoon. Our anti-armor assets should theoretically be efficient enough to take these out, however they pose a great threat to our Bradley IFVs. Should our helicopters be unavailable at a time when enemy armor appears, it is vital that we are able to manuever out of the enemy's fire. Desired endstate: Once our mission is complete, we've pushed the enemy beyond MIKIS FOB and we've established defensive positions around the settlement therein. Tasks Alpha 1-1 At commander's discretion... Alpha 1-2 At commander's discretion... Alpha 1-3 At commander's discretion... Coordinating instructions: At commander's discretion. Administration/Logistics Administration: In case on EPOW (enemy prisoners of war) they are to be captured and dropped off at a designated position as given by higher command, to be picked up by MP detachments. CASEVAC will have to be settled within the platoon. Logistics: Ammunition and resupply can be found at Iban Campbase, in close proximity to the assembly point. Vehicular repair, rearm and refuel is found in the vehicle bay by the large camo net. Helicopters can be repaired, refueled and rearmed back at Kinduf Airbase through the utilization of appropriate trucks. Command/Signal Long range nets: Platoon net: 50 MHz Company net: 60 MHz Air net: 70 MHz Squad nets: Alpha 1-0: 100 MHz Alpha 1-1: 110 MHz Alpha 1-2: 120 MHz Alpha 1-3: 130 MHz Technical information (game) Platoon medic can PAK and use surgical kits in the field. Normal medics can use surgical kits in medical facilities/vehicles. No vehicle respawn for ground troops, helicopters can respawn up to two times each - helicopters are spawned in and adjusted by ZEUS upon "heli respawn". If an ARMA bug causes a vehicle to be destroyed, a new vehicle will be provided, however the loadout/cargo of the vehicle may differ from what's given at game start.


  • 2022-10-17
    Spelet uppdaterades av Engström

  • 2022-10-17
    Rufus blev sparkad från Medic av Engström

  • 2022-10-17
    Dr.Qronco bytte från Team Leader till Squad Leader

  • 2022-10-17
    Eissen anmälde sig till Antiarmor Specialist (M47)

  • 2022-10-17
    ItsOtterBoi avanmälde sig från rollen Autorifleman (M60)

  • 2022-10-17
    Miller anmälde sig till Medic

  • 2022-10-16
    Xortin anmälde sig till Autorifleman (M249)

  • 2022-10-15
    garrygrillkorv33 anmälde sig till Autorifleman (M60)

  • 2022-10-15
    NotSoWeird anmälde sig till Squad Leader

  • 2022-10-14
    Firestorm skrev upp sig på reservlistan

  • 2022-10-14
    Spelet uppdaterades av Åslund

  • 2022-10-13
    D.Vanderhuge anmälde sig till Team Leader

  • 2022-10-13
    flying_gamer anmälde sig till Grenadier

  • 2022-10-11
    Blue Velvet bytte från Grenadier till Medic

  • 2022-10-10
    CinnamonToast anmälde sig till Autorifleman (M60)

  • 2022-10-10
    CinnamonToast avanmälde sig från rollen Medic

  • 2022-10-10
    CinnamonToast anmälde sig till Medic

  • 2022-10-09
    Kingtiger45 anmälde sig till Antiarmor Specialist (M47)

  • 2022-10-08
    Donk anmälde sig till Bradley Gunner

  • 2022-10-08
    Wennberg bytte från Bradley Gunner till Bradley Driver

  • 2022-10-08
    Rufus anmälde sig till Medic

  • 2022-10-07
    ItsOtterBoi anmälde sig till Autorifleman (M60)

  • 2022-10-07
    .BG. lämnade reservlistan och anmälde sig till Platoon Commander

  • 2022-10-07
    Max anmälde sig till 2IC Platoon Commander

  • 2022-10-07
    Wennberg bytte från Antiarmor Specialist (M47) till Bradley Gunner

  • 2022-10-07
    Blue Velvet anmälde sig till Grenadier

  • 2022-10-07
    Dr.Qronco lämnade reservlistan och anmälde sig till Team Leader

  • 2022-10-07
    Goliat anmälde sig till Autorifleman (M249)

  • 2022-10-07
    Ale lämnade reservlistan och anmälde sig till Grenadier

  • 2022-10-07
    SpinX anmälde sig till Bradley Gunner

  • 2022-10-07
    Wennberg bytte från Bradley Gunner till Antiarmor Specialist (M47)

  • 2022-10-07
    Wennberg anmälde sig till Bradley Gunner

  • 2022-10-07
    Emek1501 lämnade reservlistan och anmälde sig till Platoon Medic

  • 2022-10-07
    AdequatelyFaulty anmälde sig till Antiarmor Specialist (M47)

  • 2022-10-07
    AdequatelyFaulty avanmälde sig från rollen Antiarmor Specialist (M47)

  • 2022-10-07
    AdequatelyFaulty anmälde sig till Antiarmor Specialist (M47)

  • 2022-10-07
    C.Swag lämnade reservlistan och anmälde sig till Autorifleman (M249)

  • 2022-10-07
    SageNTitled lämnade reservlistan och anmälde sig till Helicopter Co-Pilot

  • 2022-10-07
    Engström anmälde sig till JTAC

  • 2022-10-07
    H. Siivonen bytte från Squad Leader till Squad Leader

  • 2022-10-07
    H. Siivonen bytte från 2IC Platoon Commander till Squad Leader

  • 2022-10-07
    H. Siivonen anmälde sig till 2IC Platoon Commander

  • 2022-10-07
    Fimpen anmälde sig till Bradley Driver

  • 2022-10-07
    Harry Wisén lämnade reservlistan och anmälde sig till Helicopter Pilot

  • 2022-10-07
    Spelet uppdaterades av Åslund

  • 2022-10-07
    Spelet uppdaterades av Åslund

  • 2022-10-07
    Dr.Qronco skrev upp sig på reservlistan

  • 2022-10-07
    Ale skrev upp sig på reservlistan

  • 2022-10-06
    C.Swag skrev upp sig på reservlistan

  • 2022-09-17
    Emek1501 skrev upp sig på reservlistan

  • 2022-09-16
    Harry Wisén skrev upp sig på reservlistan

  • 2022-09-16
    SageNTitled skrev upp sig på reservlistan

  • 2022-09-14
    .BG. skrev upp sig på reservlistan

  • 2022-09-13
    Spelet uppdaterades av Åslund

  • 2022-09-13
    Spelet skapades av Åslund


