A Russian oligarch once loyal to Putin has obtained classified information regarding a recent terrorist attack in Russia. He is now threatening to release these documents if president Putin doesn’t resign immediately. Information states that the oligarch named Nikolai Semenov has hired several Private Military Companies (PMC) to protect him from any kind of threat. He has also fled to the arctic region where he controls a lot of land and assets. Our mission is to stop the documentation from being released into the public eye. Enemy Forces Nikolai Semenov is guarded by several different PMC organizations from all over the world. They are armed with modern equipment and vehicles of all types. You can expect armored as well as normal soft skin vehicles. Armed with all types of small arms and heavier machineguns. Friendly forces Our forces this far up north are spread thin. We are using the 552nd naval strike squadrons base as our FOB for this operation. We won’t encounter friendly forces in the AO. Civilians The population is spread thin mostly sheltered by wooden cabins. The current snowstorm keeps the majority in to wait it out. You won’t be operating near any major population centers. Weather and terrain We are moving towards darker times. This is and time-pressed operation and we must continue through all weather parameters. A small storm is affecting the operational area but won’t stop our helos from carrying out the mission.
We have pinpointed Nikolai Semenov’s location to this region but his location is unknown. We are aware that a PMC organization has set up camp in a remote location to our north. It acts as a FOB for the company’s forces in the AO. Neutralize any opposition forces and search for intel that will lead us to Nikolai Semenov’s location. Execution. We have been given clearance from the kremlin to neutralize all forces that may look hostile and oppose our interest. Neutralize the enemy FOB and search through it. If intel is found follow the leads and capture Nikolai Semenov and destroy the documentation Assets The assets at our disposal are the following. 3x Mi-8MTV3 armed with 64 S5 UB32 Rockets and 2x FAB250 Ammunition and medical supplies are located in our Forward Operating Base along with medical facilities for the wounded.
We have during our attack on the enemy’s F.O.B collected intel that will aid in our search for Nikolai Semenov. But as we know this came at a cost. We have one helicopter reported missing along with several casualties from the platoon. Olga 1-2 has officially been dissolved and the survivors have been ordered to fill out the ranks primarily in Olga 1-1 and 1-3. The first batch of reinforcements that Moscow promised us has arrived. 2 Special forces teams now stand ready to aid in the operation bringing in additional anti-armor assets. With this, a new commander is arriving that will take command and oversee the operation. We are now under the watchful eyes of the kremlin and will do what is necessary to complete our mission.
Last know picture of Nikolai Semenov
Plutons order